

Wind power station

Wind energy is a renewable and clean energy source. In the past 30 years, great progress has been made both in theoretical research and applied research in the field of wind energy utilization in the world. The wind power generation technology is improving day by day, and the maximum rated power of the grid connected type wind turbine generator has reached 5MW, and the impeller diameter reaches 126m. As of 2005, the world installed capacity has reached 58982MW, and wind power accounts for 1% of the world's electricity. China has become one of the major drivers of Asian wind power industry, with the total installed capacity of eighth in the world, and the new installed capacity in 2005 ranked sixth in the world. In the future, domestic and foreign wind power technology and industry will accelerate the pace of development.
工作時間: 周一至周五

Contact:Miss Cheng




Address:Room 906, 8th Building Garden, XueYuan Road HaiDian District Beijing China

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